Understanding our new Redaction Feature:
- Dubber's platform introduces a robust Redaction capability, designed to assist organisations in meeting stringent data security obligations.
- Through advanced AI capabilities, this feature automatically redacts Payment Card Industry (PCI) data from both audio recordings and transcriptions within the Dubber platform. Once the system detects the data to be redacted, it will seamlessly remove it from the files accessible through the Dubber platform.
The original recording will remain available and can be retrieved upon the customer's request.
What is automated Redaction:
- Automated redaction selectively removes specified data from stored information (i.e., audio, transcription files), utilising Dubber's AI services and software.
What data will be redacted when you turn this feature on:
- The feature currently has been enabled to redact the following data:
- Bank Account
- Credit Card Number
- Credit Card Expiration date
- CVV Number
- Routing Number
- Driver License
- Social Security Number
- Password
- Passport Number
- Healthcare Number
Where will the data be redacted from:
- Redaction takes place within both the audio recordings and the transcriptions.
How do I enable Redaction for my account:
- Our redaction service is currently available to users on our Dubber Insights Plan, please connect with your provider or reach out to Dubber Support and we'll enable it on your account.
What is my experience when the redaction feature is enabled:
- Once Dubber has enabled the redaction feature on your account, all recordings will be assessed against the redacted data list and where this data is identified in the conversation, it will be redacted in both the audio and transcription of the recordings.
- The redacted content will display with a label that outlines the data that was redacted in the transcription, so for example, if a Credit Card number of 16 digits was redacted, it will display in the transcription as <CREDIT CARD> and in the audio when played, that section of the recording will be made as white noise – refer to below for the examples:
- Audio Example of redacted content:
- Transcription Example of redacted content:
- Once a recording has been completed, the standard Dubber processing for that recording and loading into the dubber platform will commence. A notification tag will display against a specific recording on the call recording page if the recording is still processing for redaction purposes and will not allow users to play the audio or view the transcription. Refer to the screen below for an example
New Dubber Portal:
Chapters example of redacted content:
- How do I enable the feature:
Our redaction service is currently available to users on our Dubber Insights Plan, please connect with your provider or reach out to Dubber Support and we'll enable it on your account. - How do I turn this feature off:
Contact Dubber Support - How does the redaction get applied:
We use specialised software to redact from both audio and transcription files - Can I choose which data items to redact:
No, at this point the data is a packaged set when you enable the feature, no customisation is currently available. - I have other data items that I would like to include as part of the redaction process, can this be accommodated:
Depending on the data, it could be possible in a future release, please contact Dubber support for any specific requirements. - What is the process if I notice errors in what has been redacted or if something should have been redacted is has not been:
Contact Dubber support for help and support - I’m a Dubber Insights customer and have access to my recordings through the old portal and the new insights portal, will I see the redacted content in both locations.
Yes, both portal experiences will display the redacted content.