Single-Sign-On (SSO) for Webex Calling + Dubber users is now Generally Available globally, greatly simplifying & enhancing the customer experience and improving customer data accessibility & security.
Once a Webex Control Hub administrator and/or Webex Calling user accepts/grants permission and authenticates using the Dubber SSO URL(s), they can use their Webex credentials to access the Dubber portal, rather than having to manage two different login/passwords.
Control Hub Administrators can access the region specific Dubber portal SSO URL(s) for their Webex Calling + Dubber users directly within the Webex Control Hub using their Webex Admin credentials.
In addition, Control Hub Admins can enable the ability for users & managers to seamlessly access Dubber recordings and analytics directly within the Webex App by creating a Group for their Dubber users and assigning a shortcut to that group of users.
Once a shortcut to the Dubber portal is set up using the SSO URL and assigned to a group, it is visible in the Webex App for that group of users-providing simple, secure access to recordings and data insights (subscription dependent).
Dubber: Regional portal SSO URLs
To determine the Dubber Portal/SSO address for a specific Webex Calling user within Control Hub, navigate to the specific user, select Calling > User Call Experience > Call Recording > Show call recording platform information. See step-by-step instructions below.
1. From the management view in Webex Control Hub, select Users and then select a specific Webex Calling user to manage.
2. From the user view, select Calling, scroll down to User Call Experience and select Call Recording.
3. If the end user has call recording enabled, skip to the next step, if not. toggle on call recording to automatically provision Dubber Go for the Webex Calling user.
Instructions for enabling Dubber Go for a Webex user can found here.
4. Within the Call Recording Management vuew, scroll to the bottom of the call recording settings page. Select shoe call recording platform information box. The call recording details for the user will be shown as well as a link to the Dubber portal SSO URL.
Once authenticated, the user will be able to use the same credentials they use to login to Webex to access the Dubber portal.